Day of Giving 2013
Here's your chance to make your donation go further! This year's Day of Giving is Thursday, October 3, 2013, from 12:00 a.m. ET until 11:59:59 p.m. ET. The Pittsburgh Foundation will match any donations (minimum donation of $25) to PCRG for up to $1,000. Be sure to click the "Donate!" link on the day of the event (Thursday, October 3, 2013). Thanks for your support!
Here's some of the rules:Gift Amount: The minimum gift is $25. There is no limit to the amount of money you may give to each organization. All donations are for operating support; you cannot designate a specific program.
While there is no limit on the amount a donor can give to an organization, only the first $1,000 is eligible to receive a portion of the match pool. A donor may give to as many organizations as they like and all gifts up to $1,000 per organization are eligible to receive a portion of the match pool.
For example, a donor can give $25 to Organization A, $1000 to Organization B, and $2,000 to Organization C – the match base for each gift will be $25, $1,000 and $1,000, respectively. There are no limits on the number or amount of gifts an organization can receive.
For more information on the rules, click here.
For instructions on how to give, click here.
Or go straight to Pittsburgh Gives website and donate on Thursday, October 3, 2013!